How I find motivation

Finding motivation doesn’t come easily, some days I feel so motivated and productive, feeling great with what I accomplish that day. Then other days, I lose all of that and can feel really down. It’s like one big hormonal roller-coaster! I especially find this a lot with blogging. Don’t get me wrong, I love blogging, it’s made me much more confident in myself and I’ve also met some incredible friends through it but it really plays on my mood swings. I can feel so up and down with it and I know I can’t be the only one who gets like this. So I thought I would share my tips on how I find motivation, which hopefully can help others. I apologise if they aren’t of much help to you as different things work for different people but fingers crossed you take away something from this post.


Set yourself goals

At the beginning of the year I set goals for myself, I prefer to call them goals than ‘new years resolutions’ cause sometimes you can’t always fulfill them so goals to me is a bit more realistic. These goals included things from money savings to completing runs and walks to blogging. I work full time so it can be incredibly hard to stick to a routine of when to blog so I try to avoid that as a goal but I  know a lot of other people tend to use that as a main goal so give it a go and see how it works for you.

My first blogging goal includes building up my following so I give myself a set number and then each time I reach it, I increase it a little bit more and just keep pushing myself. Another goal for me is to change up my writing a bit from posting just about what I’m wearing to more insightful personal posts, like this one, as I’ve seen a lot more of these types of posts recently and I find them much more interesting to read than just a standard outfit post. Don’t get me wrong I love seeing what people wear! But I can quite easily see that from pictures, it’s always good to learn more about the person in the clothes. My third goal is to improve the quality of my images and my layout to get it to the best looking I think it can be. All these goals help motivate me to go out and take pictures at every opportunity and write as often as I can and simply to just get things done.


Be positive

This isn’t an easy tip to try but I find if I’m getting worked up and worrying myself that I’m not doing as well as I thought, I take a break, sit down, and write down all the cons that are running through my head and turn them into positives and what I can do to work on them. Sometimes, looking at the positive outcomes rather than the negatives will change your way of thinking. Once I’ve done this, I almost get a burst of energy to start working on them and show myself that I was wrong to think so negatively. And then when I do prove myself wrong, I feel a sense of proudness and there is nothing nicer then feeling good about yourself, am I right!? You can share that proudness with other people and show off what you’ve done, receiving praise from them. Positive feedback from others helps to motivate me as well as my own.

Organisation is key

Organising yourself can go a long way. I can’t deal with mess, whether that’s in my bedroom or in my plans. I need to sit down and spend time planning out my weeks and what I’m going to do and when. Once I feel settled with a plan then I can go out and follow the plan and get things done. I use this way of motivation for not only blogging but also planning in exercise to get me out and going, as well as when I’m at work (to do lists are just so satisfying to tick off…). I tend to do this at the beginning of each week and then at the end of the week, I can look back and see where I’ve got with it.



So there are my 3 top tips of how not only I motivate myself but how you can also motivate yourself. I hope it helps you, even just a little bit as I know it’s not always as easy as said. How do you find motivation for yourself? What’s your top tip?


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